
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:17:49
乙烯的物理性质 说明序号1,2,3,4分别是什么运动? 聚乙烯共聚物和聚丙烯共聚物是什么意思?要详细点. 玫琳凯眼霜中含有的聚乙烯和乙烯/丙烯酸共聚物是什么作用?不是致癌吗? 一道高中物理题为什么φ2=φ1 φ3=φ4 ,为什么不是φ2大于φ1 这篇文章帮我看看那里有错误My travelI had a travel to YangJiang for 3 days.The air was so clean and fresh.There was a blue sky above our head.And we could not see any white cloud.Many trees stood by the both side of the road.What a beauti 谁帮我看看这篇文章有哪些错误!《Harry Potter》读后感《Harry Potter》is one of the most famous novel in the world.It is a story about a boy named Harry Potter.His parents were gone when he was a baby.So he lived with his uncle and 帮我看看这篇文章有没有错PEN PAL WANTEDDear Student,Hey!My name is Susan.I live in Pingdu,China.I'm 14 years old and my birthday is in September.I can speak Chinese and a little English.I have no brother and sister.My favorite sport is bas 帮我看看我这篇文章,指点下错误. 请帮我看看这篇文章有没有错~再帮我填上题目...I usually get up at eight in the morning.I eat breakfast at eightfifteen.Then I do my homework from eight thiry to ten.AT ten in the morning I watch TV.I have lunch at twelve.After lunch 求详尽解答:如图为理想变压器供电示意图,L为串联在原线圈上的灯泡, 用理想变压器给电灯l供电,如果只增加副线圈匝数,其他条件不变,那么流过电灯的电流会怎么变化?变压器的输入功率又会怎样变化? 初出茅庐和三顾茅庐是一样的吗? 诸葛亮的是初出茅庐还是三顾茅庐. 望梅止渴,三顾茅庐,初出茅庐,指鹿为马这些成语中的主角是谁? 请帮忙看下面这篇短文有没有错误点!Peter is thirteen years old.He is in Grade Two this year.He likes to play football and watch football matches.And he often reads newspapers.He does his best to know where and when there is going to be 成体干细胞为什么不具有全能性.不是说任何细胞都具有全能性吗 什么是全能性干细胞 邀请对方来作客的古诗和歌曲 根据意思填词语.没有人经过邀请而突然来到的个人,指意想不到的客人 . 邀请函中希望客人能到来的词语是什么(两个字)“屈就”的近义词啊。 高分求一首10.10号婚礼的古诗,要求押韵,烘托气氛,意思清晰明了 到场的嘉宾要听的懂~高分求一首10.10号婚礼的古诗,文字严谨 要求押韵,烘托气氛,意思清晰明了 到场的嘉宾要听的懂~ 请问邀请中的英文怎么说,就是正在邀请还没有邀请到的嘉宾的意思怎么说?要再网页上列一下演讲嘉宾,如A,但是A还没有邀请到,我想表达成A(暂定/拟邀),括号里面怎么表达成英文? 胚胎干细胞,成体干细胞它们各自属于什么类型,全能?多能?还是单能? 成体干细胞按分化程度分应该算什么?胚胎干细胞呢? 胚胎干细胞和成体干细胞各自的优势和不足? 各位来看一下这篇文章有没有错误March,8th,2005Today is Women’s Day .I want to do something made my mother happy.So I went to market as soon as leave school .I bought many food .for examples,fish,fruit,vegetable.I wanted to cook food wh 帮我看一下这篇文章有没有错误Hello Kitty is a very cute cat.Her birthday is November 1st.She is open and clear.She always wears a smile on her face and looks happy.She always wears a pretty small butterfly bow.he can play tennis and the 帮我检查检查这篇文章有没有错误I went to Beijing with my parents one year ago.I went to The Summer Palace on that trip.I went fishing in a small .And I row a boat(划船 不知道是不是这样说)on the Kumming lake.I had lunch in a 帮忙看一下这篇文章有没有什么错误?Please make good use of your lifeDear leaders teachers and schoolmates.Good morning!Today,my topic is“take care of your life,please.”A great person have said:Either you make good use of your life,o 上善若水?