
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:47:42
有什么好听的微博名字?有什么好听的微博名字?请帮我想一个.要四个字的,里面要有心或者静这两个字,我之前想了很多都已经被人家用了. 本人今年21,身高165,体重53公斤,玩微博想取个好听的英文名,H开头的,有什么好听本人今年21,身高165,体重53公斤,玩微博想取个好听的英文名,H开头的,有什么好听 女生的 英语翻译最近买了一个美国dim的不织布套包,上面好多英文,虽然有一些英文基础,能大致看懂,但是怕自己弄错了,还是想请高手帮忙进行正确的翻译5、you will need a small funnel to add the pellets,to make 英语翻译发展中的模型,如何翻译成英文? 马修英文怎么写 英语:I ____just____a book from the library(borrow)这里面有just,用不用把borrow换成keep?并说明理由. They want()peace to the world写出括号里正确的单词提示(bring) they want to bring peace to the world 改为否定句 Tthat's right.They're from191countries.they want to bring peace tothe world的中文意思是什么 PK倒底是什么词的缩写? 关于钢筋弯曲力的计算把一根Q235的ø8圆钢钢筋固定在一个工作台上,要弯曲的部分超出工作台边界5CM,要把超出的部分折弯成90度,这个所需的力怎么计算 计算弯曲力的目的是什么? 玻璃面板四点弯曲算法中,抗弯力怎么带值计算 Tim _____ a story book from his teacher last week.A.borrowed B.borrows C.will borrow D.is borrowing He borrowed a book for a week.怎么改正?直接将borrowed改成kept呢还是改成has kept Judged from his book,he is a teacher.这句话哪里错了 句型转换:Once a week ,people can visit the sports club in our schoolEvery week,there is _____ ____ ______ for the sports club in our school. 写英文的咨询信,中文内容如下:我想购买贵公司的藻种,因为是国际快运,不知道过海关时会有什么麻烦,为了能够顺利的收到货物,除了订单还需要什么证明吗? Our school holds an Art Festival (once a year )对划线部分提问如题 Our beloved Mandela ,who once founght for the equal rights of the people,-------away peacefullyat home on December5.2013A.died B.went C.passed D.broke 请问 it is no use arguing with him.里面的no use的词性是? 省力杠杆省的力到哪里去了? I think it no need talking about it with them.可不可以是to talk,那这个是 to do doing都可以,还是只能是 to do? It is no use telling him about it It is no use telling him about it (为什么这里的to没有了,不是要It is no use to telling him about it么? no any any other 后加单数还是复数 什么时候加单数 、复数there is a lot to see and do there,为什么do 的前面不加to 什么时候省to 类似的还有什么?how long 后可以加一般过去时吗?还是 只能是完成时?in the 什么时候any后用单数,是么时候用复数? Here is some information about how it can be done. 找出从句并写出从句类型 Here is some information about the photos ________________ (show) at the museum.据说我们今年的运动会已经被取消了.It is said that this year’s sports meeting ________________________________.那家电影院昨天上映了什么影片? 汉译英两个词可回收,不可回收.并对所翻译的作以解释.recyclable这个词我在字典上查不到,另外recycle和recoverable以及他们俩的反意词,我不知道哪一个更准确.或许你有更好的翻译. any后的名词何时用单数形式,何时复数? Jim is talking with his English teacher.(用sometime改写) jim is talking---------his teacher ---------------his english.