来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:12:33
古诗提问王昌龄的采莲曲第二句话的意思? 古诗句提问../1.白居易在《钱塘湖春行》中借莺燕的活动来传达春天来临的信息并表达自己喜悦之情的诗句是:,.2.《钱塘湖春行》中描写早春鸟儿的两句是 ,.3.马致远的《天净沙秋思》中描 有关古诗提问读下段话写相应诗人的诗句:杨万里的那朵荷花映红西湖六月;李白的愁情汇成了滔滔江水;杜甫的雄心量出了泰山的高度;王之涣的羌笛演奏着哀怨的【折杨柳】;朱熹的【 古诗的提问西江月·夜行黄沙道中 描述的时间______,地点是______.作者抓住_____、______、______这些山村拥有的音响.天净沙·秋其 中一静态出现的有______、______、______、______、______、______、______ 有多音字的姓氏! 英语翻译请翻译成英文:不要说我们一无所有 我们要做天下的主人 【假如给我三天光明】名言警句-不少于100字 what do they usually do on national day ________________________________ 填什么 下面的空(填适当形式)如何填?What do they usually do on ____(weekend)? 语文提问→古诗《石灰吟》是明代诗人( )的作品.全诗为:( ),( ),( ),( ).诗中“若等闲”的意思是( ). 次北固山下王湾客路青山外,行舟绿水前.潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬.海日生残夜,江春入旧年.乡书何处达?归雁洛阳边.1,这是唐代诗人王湾的代表作,体裁上属于____诗,内容上属____之作.2,诗人对路 一.把下面的句子、歇后语补充完整< >,并非锤的打击,< >早开的红梅—< > 砌墙的砖头—< >二.按意境填写古诗王昌龄用< 一道题America`s space shuttle ( )(return)to Earth safely last sunday evening. 假如给我三天光明中有哪些好的警句?急并说出这句句子给我们的启发.要5句. 白尼罗河年径流量平稳的原因?历史上尼罗河的定期泛滥对埃及农业生产的特殊意义 5.古代埃及是四大文明古国之一,有人说埃及文明是尼罗河泛滥的功劳.当尼罗河下游河段进入泛滥期时,下列说法正确的是(  ).\x05A.非洲地中海沿岸降水丰富   \x05B.坦桑尼亚天然 尼罗河的定期泛滥对埃及的农业有什么有利的影响? What do they usually do?他们通常做什么?个人感觉后面的“do”有点多余.What do they usually do?改为What do they usually?为什么不行呢? Must they clean the classroom now?No,they ___.A.can't.B.needn't.C.don't.D.mustn't Must I clean the classroom now?No,you____.You can do it after school. A.mustn't B.can't C.don't选什么,写出理由!急啊! 多音字的姓有哪些? 病句改错:What are they?they are boxs what do they usually do every day?what are they usually do every day?那句话是对的 ----what are they from?----They are from America.改错 They must have arrived by now,haven't they?为什么用haven't they?不用didn't they?by now 布什表示过去发生的吗 the clothes must have been washed by her just now,___A.didn't they B.hadn't they C.haven't they 改错1.The teacher looked angry at the students 2.They must have arrived till now 毕作为姓氏是否是多音字?是不是念bei啊? He'd like a bowl of noodles.(对a bowl of noodles提问) _____ _____ he like do usually in what do evening thedo usually in what do evening the yo 连词成句 I‘d like a bowl of noodles ()tomato and egg.要理由!A.and B.with C.of D.for what do they do in the evening?(this evening) (用给出的词改写句子)