
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:01:38
我有一些牛奶,她没有.I _ _ some beef.She _ any we plant some (f )in front of the house 为什么新文化运动要高举"民主"和"科学"两面大旗? 首字母填空 1. You must be c______ when you cross the road. 2.You should keep s_______ when you首字母填空1. You must be c______ when you cross the road.2.You should keep s_______ when you are in the library.3.Don’t be a________ when you se In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the 在爱情里面是什么意思? 得过且过是什么意思 得过且过的意思及告诉我们的道理 得过且过的意思 何必得过且过 是什么意思是指好的方面还是什么 以Exercise is a good way to keep healthy为题目以Exercise is a good way to keep healthy为题目,写一篇60词短文 翻译一下We must take good care of ourselves and keep fit. 根据句意和英文释义填写单词1.Exercising every day is a good way to keep__(healthy)2.i'll go to the zoo with you if i'm __(having time)tomorrow.3.some __(famous)sports stars are coming to our school next week. Do exercises is a good way to keep healthy.这句话错在哪. 艄公用两个词语写人物品质 在为老人举行的葬礼上,我们抬着那幅遗像缓缓向灵堂走去.”《老人与海鸥》请你替老人的灵堂写一幅挽联或一句话.(10个字左右) 求几幅关于医生的挽联! 6There ____ a big tree and some flowers in front of our house .A hasB isC haveD are 选择题39)An ambulance and some police cars were waiting in front of the house,with doctors runningAn ambulance and some police cars were waiting in front of the house,with doctors running in and out and some polimen standing nearby.Somebody ____ 爷爷过世,花圈挽联奶奶的内容怎么写扯蛋呢哥们 世上乌鸦一般黑对么 天下乌鸦为什么一般黑? 天下乌鸦为什么一般黑啊?天下乌鸦为什么一般黑啊!就是黑撒! 为什么天下的乌鸦一般黑? 为什么天下的乌鸦一般黑拜托了各位 Perhaps I could so I would like to contact you might be very puzzled, would like to contact you,can it I would like to be properly love you,can would like,could like是不是 would like 比 could like 更加委婉些? 关于杨修和曹操三国演义与三国志中 杨修和曹操各有什么不同请说明历史中杨修真实的性格,也就是三国志中写的谢谢 要三国志中的 不是三国演义中的 2.关于杨修死因,有人推之于曹操,有人归之于杨修,有人说另有他因.你持何种观点?说说理由. meant for each other,