
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 12:32:34
英语 ___ Jack draw an elephant ___ ____ ___?(用lion改为选择疑问句) I play football.(改为同义句)She can plays the piano.(改错) No one can stop her ( ) going away填介词,望说明理由 I have been living in Shanghai for two years,but i have not covered______much of the city.a.anythingb.muchc.manyd.plenty a quantity of可以+可数名词单数吗 a large/small quantity of后面,可数名词与不可数名词是否都可接?另:a large/small amount ofa large/small number ofa large/small mass of这三个短语的情况又分别如何? 我记得large quantities of只能修饰不可数名词是吗?如题,跪谢! there is no person 后面的动词要第三人称吗? 状语从句before比如:类似:it was a long time before we met again和完成时的:it is a long time since my brother joined the army这种类型的要怎么区分? Feeling already owe,l love has turned I will be away from you until out of your world!你知道含义吗? 把英语听力光盘的内容已经复制到电脑里为什么还要放光盘才能用? 改错 1.The Music Festival is on May nineth 2.When is your school day?---It’s September 20th. 谁有大学生英语听力文件?就是那种跟歌一样可以放手机里随时听听的可以是像考试时听得那种短对话也可以是那种短的文章 怎样把光盘里的英语听力复制到mp3里去买了英语光盘,里面的文件显示只有1KB大小,但是他的播放时间却很长.谁能告诉我怎样把盘里的东西复制到mp3上去,而且还要mp3能播放才行. when is your school trip,Lucy? 怎样把光盘上的英语听力复制到mp3 英语翻译 怎样将光盘中的听力材料拷贝到手机上 如何把英语书带的光盘内的听力拷出来呀 Listen to me please.(改否定句) Please listen to me.改为同义句 . “Last but not least, don't drink or smoke.”是什么意思 HEAVILY的意思? 怎样将听力光盘转变为mp3格式 请问怎样把VCD光碟里的英语转换成MP3格式的听力在 ipaq里面听? 想将光碟里的听力英文课文转为mp3 格式放在mp3里 ,可以吗.怎么做? 如何把光盘(cd)中英语听力转化为mp3格式 请问怎样才能将光盘里的英语听力拷到iPhone4里?你好,我今天拷听力的时候不仅没成功还因为和iTunes同步将手机照片都弄没了,照片很重要,听力也很重要,这是第一次在百度问别人,不懂分什么的 People under 18 cannot drive cars People drive their own cars to avoid public transportation delays.题号:11 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:People drive their own cars to avoid public transportation delays,and this ____ Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours ______ an agreement.A.they reached B.do they reach C.they reach D.did they reach 怎样使用电脑放听力光盘