
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:41:01
英语翻译1_________(请等一下),the bus is coming2_________(出许多差错)in their work last week3"Why did you do that?_________(年轻人喊叫着)4This boat is the children's.(保持原意)This boat _____ ______the children 英语翻译 英语翻译i'm looking at some fan pics of Fany at that Korea- China music festival and man oh man i can't seem to closed them down.it's hard when she's freaking drop dead gorgeous in them 英语翻译同学莫名其妙的问的, 我是你的唯一,英语翻译是神马 括号里的神马意思?1.Bad luck!(It's raining cats and dogs).We have to stay at home.2.I'm( under the weather) today.Don't play jokes on me.3.It never rains,it pours.Our shop had only one visitor this morning.But at around 4pm we had more than tw 丢失的英文翻译是神马 (选出与括号部分意思相同的选项)Running in the morning can make us (stay healthy).A.be fat B.in good health C.keep fit D.be health 选出与括号部分意思相近的选项 Please prepare my bill and send (a bellboy) to collect my luggage.A.a man employed in a hotel to carry cases,open doors,etcB.a man employed in a hotel to collect billsC.a man who pays for tje billD.a man who 英语翻译Intracellular FACS analysis was performed with the BD Cytofix/Cytoperm Plus kit by (adding the Golgi-Plug after 24 hr of stimulation for 10 hr before proceeding )according to the manufacturer's protocol. 英语翻译努力学习你就会成功或者进步(用祈使句+and+……)\x05(非谓语动词((条件状语从句)知道妈妈回来他才上床睡觉(用过去式)(正常语序)(倒装)(强调句型)我们正准备回 英语翻译1.我想到的唯一办法就是请你把书架的空间让出来摆更多的书.(come up with.make room for)2.他把车钥匙递过来,说我可以用他的车.(hold out)3.我的想法是在原地等待救援.(that引导表语 英语好的进 问括号三的语法 我感觉句子怪怪的 英语语法题6(括号内是错的)Go and get your coat.It's (there where)you left it.正确的是where,定语从句我做晕了,求分析 英语语法题8(括号内是错的)I have been studying computer for several years and I still )参考答案am , 英语语法题2(括号内是错的)Many new morden high-rises are (setting up) in the city of shanghai.正确的是 going,为什么? 英语语法题7(括号内是错的)I have heard the book ,but I (didn't read) it yet.参考的是haven't read,为什么,是因为有BUT还是YET吗?还是其他原因? 5个5用加减乘除和小括号怎样算等于24 算出来,回答就采纳 计算:求出一定采纳 怎么做,可以用简便计算的用简便计算,给采纳 用假设法!列式计算!松鼠妈妈采松子,晴天每天采20个,雨天每天可采12个,它一连采了112个,平均每天采14个,这几天中有几天是雨天?在知识竞赛中,有10道判断题,评分规定:每答对一题得2分,答错 用公式法计算 假设法计算下面应用题某学校六年级有两个班,共76人,其中11人考上重点中学,六(1)班考上是没考上的 1/5 ,六2班考上的是没考上的1/7,求2班考上的人数解释要清楚点哦,- 想问几道题,这是鸡兔同笼问题,用假设法来回答.1、有若干只鸡和兔,一共88个头,244只脚,鸡兔各几只?2、鸡兔有100个头,350只脚,鸡兔各几只?3、鸡兔100只,鸡的脚比兔的脚少28只,鸡兔各几只?4、一 简便放法算 简便计算, 这3道简便计算怎么做?回答必采纳! 用简便计算, 4又五分之四减2又五分之四加十二分之五的和怎么简算谢谢了, 五分之八写成带分数是多少? 五分之三+十一分之二-(五分之三-十一分之七)等于几?火速!要简便计算!2分钟!