
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:34:12
instead的用法,与but,although的区别? 假设你是王鹏,下面是你父母制定的一些家规.现在请你写一封信,把家规内容告诉你的英国笔友克拉克(Clark),并谈谈你对这些家规的感受.写一篇不少于60词的英语作文 Tomorrow is turns out to be a different way这句话有什么语法错误吗是IS 还是WILL那这句话怎么是对的:IT ALWAYS TURNS OUT TO BE A DIFFERENT It always turns out to bring you lots of benefitswhen you do something that you are not willing to but have to do _________going to the program you are the one,she knew she had to be there or her mother would beunhappy.A.Although much she disliked B.much although she disliked C.As she disliked much D.Much as she disliked. In order to be irreplaceable,one must always be different.在这个句子中,one的用法将做何理解? 英语选词填空:词:shouldn't must ask grass mean always 句:Different signs ( )different词:shouldn't must ask grass mean always 句:Different signs ( )different The students( )stay away from the internet barwe sholdn't walk on the( )my you must always be a------ in practice 请问应填but还是although?谢谢Lingling is having a great time in Hong Kong ,( )she has to say that she prefers Shanghai.初三英语书上是although,麻烦哪个高手告诉我为什么不能用 but,谢谢 you will succeed 和you will be succeed的区别有没有 you will be succeed 这种说法哟 The teacher to help us we will surely succeed.15.______,we will surely succeed.A.The teacher helping us B.The teacher to help us C.The teacher will help us D.With the teacher helping为什么不选A,A有什么错? 填空 什么 are children's favourite program. they are____because the basketball match between class 1 and class 5 is______的答案a.excited,excited b.excited,exciting c.exciting,exciting d.exciting,excited you work really hard的成分划分really hard再此句中作什么成分? 参万柒仟捌佰玖拾柒元伍角翻译成英语 柒仟一佰肆拾万怎么写 2个中翻英...我没有时间看这么有趣的一部喜剧片.I'm ____ busy ____ watch ____ ____ ____ comedy.据说将有2000多位音乐爱好家出席.It is said that ____ _____ two ____ music lovers ____ _____. 2句中翻英人们建造这个纪念碑是出于对第二次世界大战中英雄的敬意.(in honor of)他的理论是能够接受的,因为它是建立在事实的基础上的.(be based on) 帮忙做2句中翻英1.经过好几天的激烈讨论,双方终于达成了协议,关键字:reach the agreement2.你在英国就会很容易学会英语(无关键字) 英语翻译翻译三句话目前全国的很多厂家日夜忙于生产抗灾产品.( be engaged in ( doing ) 有说服力的广告有助于成功地把产品兜售出去.(persuasive)正是我们的劝说,使他相信微笑和善举 ( acts of kindne 贰拾伍万玖仟玖佰贰拾元整用英语怎么说 中翻英!(今天下午2点之前完成才给分!)我认为一个人的成功并不是偶然的,他必须集齐几个条件才能成功.首先,我们必须对自己的大学生活有个正确的态度,并且,从一开始就养成良好的习惯. 他需要我们报价,只要能满足他们的需求即可,无论是A还是B,请尽快答复我们能不能做这单生意,客户催的比较急,另外,请问关于上次那个关于A的询价有结果了吗? will,three,you,what,have,days,you,if,do,off,怎么造句 如何建立函数关系 当他们困难的时候帮助他们(用英语怎么说) 我们公司地址有一段叫精英大厦,这个翻译是用Jingying Building呢还是用Elite Building呢? 翻译.在你的大楼处向右拐.____ ____ _____ your building. down there 最好给点例子说明下 what's that down been there,down there在对话中的意思?我再看一个澳大利亚电视剧home and away,男女朋友对话的时候,女的叫男的去医院看他的父亲,但是那位男生和他的父亲的关系不是很好,所以他不想去,他就说been t 1为观看中国足球队参加世界杯比赛,为观看中国足球队参加世界杯比赛,8名球迷分别乘坐两辆小汽车一起赶入飞机场,其中一辆小汽车在距机场15千米的地方出了故障,此时,距规定到达机场的时