
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 15:22:08
英语改错There is going to a sports meeting in our clas s. his headache started since last week (改为一般疑问句 )_____ his headache ____since last week? Jill has a headache改为同义句 Jill has a ___ ___ her head Marry me you lost me 歌词Christina不要白话的Christina Aguilera - You Lost MeI am done smoking gunWe've lost it all,the love is goneShe has won,now it's no funWe've lost it all,the love is goneWe had magic and this is tragicYou couldn't keep your hands 什么时间为晨运的最佳时间? 四季分别在什么时候晨运好呢?春夏秋冬~每个季节做晨运的时间都不同的么?什么时间做比较好呢~ in that在这里怎么理解 算什么从句呢Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others 从句,这个为什么加in,.I must have faith in who I am.再来看这句,This is who you are.从句只有在who不能做主语,或者宾语的时候才在前面加介词但是为什么第二句,为什么不加in,请讲解下, MOVE THIS我想知道关于这首歌曲的更多的东东!包括作者,演唱者, 英语翻译to begin with,pedestrians who habitually jaywalk will not be discouraged by this move 法人英语怎么说?国外公司有法人这个概念么? 直接对外签署合同和独立法人的英语翻译(这里对外指的是和其他人,而不是外国哦) 请问句中的【that】起什么作用?有实际词意吗?是从句的引导词吗?This seems to me so complete a rejection of another human person【that】it goes much further than the division and separation backed by law. 这里then引导的是并列句还是从句?在这里是什么用法?I walked a few steps,then came to a startled halt. it (似乎)that the principal is not pleased with the show It was in __ friendly a way that our principal talked with usA.suchB.sowhy choose B? 戚继光与郑成功都是什么 He was admitted to a famous university,as was natural.这里as 可以换成which CHEEKY怎么样 A25-year-old student from Hubei was admitted into Tsinghuua,China's most famous university after an eight -year-----------完形填空原文答案 火冒三丈,嬉皮笑脸,甜言蜜语,阴谋诡计的近义词 ____that the time will soon be ripe for intervention in Iran、they would be faced by a large army.A.It is believedB.Should they believeC.They would believeD.If they had believedAns:B 翻译并解释各选项 “浮伤年华,忧伤说笑”.知道的说详细点, 浮伤年华是什么意思? 浮伤年华 , 浮伤年华 , 浮伤年华的爱是什么意思.呃 无能为力呃 满身伤痕 labview,量表读数随机变化,指针随读数变颜色,希望知道的给附个详细图 有什么软件可以按磁场强度变化做出颜色渐变的图来同上就像这样,相当于在等高线之间填充不同的颜色 编辑图片时,如何选择和图片上一样的颜色?比如,一个图,整体颜色不错,但正中间却有个黑点,我想把他掩盖,那怎样才能快速调出和黑点周围一样的颜色? you have been admitted by a college,后面反问怎么问?