
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:21:27
取消.什么意思 grand 英语GIVE 什么样的年龄最理想,鲜花说,开放的年龄千朵竞香;什么样的年龄最辉煌,太阳说,燃烧的青春一片光芒;什么样的人生最美好,流水说,奔流的人生快乐无穷;________________________________. 用:人生如········,应该多一些·········,少一些·········.造句要10句以上人生如梦,要写成,人生如一场梦 那是一座高耸挺拔的大山,那是一座( )的大山,那是一座( )的大山. i don't know____to believe himA.if B.whetherC.whichD.that为什么可以直接加TO啊? 谁知道电影"Honey"(甜心辣舞)里面的那首"I believe"是谁唱的Blaque唱的是"I'm good" We hung many o__ on the Christmas tree是什么 阿.. 蛋糕、常温蛋糕和西点有什么区别?常温蛋糕和西点区别在哪里? 西点跟面点,哪个比较好学点?区别什么? In fact, however, the 1948 literary history has stood for nearly forty years.这句话什么意思?Inthe Preface to the last collaborative effort of this kind, the Literary History of the United States(1948), Robert E.Spiller and his co-editors decla people keep c__ about the air pollution,but the government hasn't taken any action If the Buyer is able to negotiate away the price increase then no further action is required.翻译 英语翻译 250高分请汉译英.公函格式致:加拿大驻香港领事馆尊敬的很荣幸的已经收到贵馆寄发的约见信.依文件要求的现在将我担保人的联系电话传真给你们.(略)我相信,因为时差的原因,约见时间 he has been playing the piano for a long time(改为一般疑问句) day by day 花英 T-araT-ara的花英八月不是解约了吗,为什么在人气歌谣120822期和0827期中花英还在队伍里面?是为了维持队伍吗 真心喜欢花英啊为什么解约...黑T-ara和黑花英的请禁言. A star is above the tree中文是什么?在树的上方好像不对,还有“a star"好像没翻译, 经典英文歌曲 有句歌词“another day I need" 我喜欢在暖和里到外面玩.用英语来表达 篮球Referee of fiest category是什么意思 Referee of first category是什么意思 CAPTAIN POWER AND THE SOLDIERS OF THE FUTURE怎么样 改错Throughout the history,the mosequito has been not only a nuisance but a killer,carrying some Throughout the history,the mosequito has been not only a nuisance but a killer,carrying some of the deadliest diseases known to man. 请帮忙翻译:Partial deliveries are to be agreed upon by the buyer 螃蟹过街——() 螃蟹过街(打一成语) 少儿英语warm up中的 hello hello how are you这个warmup怎么做 最 Their outfits are in the bedroom.对in the bedroom提问 I have_______homework to do.______the boy always______(run)on the playground?Can you show______(they)the picture? shipment is tendered to carrier是什么意思