founded in 1990还是being founded in 1990 为啥

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:46:04
founded in 1990还是being founded in 1990 为啥

founded in 1990还是being founded in 1990 为啥
founded in 1990还是being founded in 1990 为啥

founded in 1990还是being founded in 1990 为啥
成立于1990年==〉XXX was founded in 1990.通常绝对都是以过去时表达.
正在设立中的XXX ==〉XXX is being founded 指的是现在正在,绝对不能指“过去已经”的了

founded in 1990 ,find是一个短暂性动词,一般不用于正在被发现这个说法!

be founded in 1990

founded in 1990还是being founded in 1990 为啥 stay at in bei jig还是stay in bei jing? This big company , ____ in 1903 , is very famous now . 是填founded还是founding? 德语 介词bei+人名请教大家个德语介词bei In Londen wohnen ich doch immer bei Charles,请问介词bei+人名 ,这里人名不用变化 ,人名是Charles,还是Charle? 迅速!英语被动句式的转换!比如It was founded in 1990.它的疑问句式是:When did it be founded?还是When was it founded?快点啊,谢谢了! 花被的被是读bei还是pi 泽被后世的被 读pi 还是bei October 1,1949 is the day _____the people’s Republic of China was founded.A.which B.when C.where whichB对还是D对? In 1636,Harvard(哈佛大学)is one of the most famous universities in the United States.A.Being founded B.It was founded C.Founded D.Founding be founded in 谁能帮我造一个句啊 The PRC was founded in 1949.变主动语态.快. 泌阳到底是bei yang还是 bi yang求证我经常听说叫bei阳 great changes ---in china since the people's republic of china ---in 1949A.have taken place;was founded B.has taken place ;was founded C.have been taken place;founded D.took place;founded Founded in 1992,this company is good. 其中第一个单词能否换成Being founded呢,为什么? 德语里,在某处上班,有时用介词in,in einer Firma,有时用介词bei,bei Siemens,何时用in,何时用bei? 德语von in zu nach am bei造句每词两句 I bei live in 什么意思 谢谢哈 I began to work in Beijing in the year when New China was founded.是状语从句还是定语从句啊?还有,when引导的定语从句和状语从句怎么去区分啊?