英语翻译Software Section:1.Constant Acquisition Rate:The developed system is an improvement over the conventional system since the acquisition rate of the data is uniform and is not dependent on the user.This increases the reliability of results

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:18:41
英语翻译Software Section:1.Constant Acquisition Rate:The developed system is an improvement over the conventional system since the acquisition rate of the data is uniform and is not dependent on the user.This increases the reliability of results

英语翻译Software Section:1.Constant Acquisition Rate:The developed system is an improvement over the conventional system since the acquisition rate of the data is uniform and is not dependent on the user.This increases the reliability of results
Software Section:
1.Constant Acquisition Rate:The developed system is an improvement over
the conventional system since the acquisition rate of the data is uniform and is
not dependent on the user.This increases the reliability of results by ensuring
that an optimum number of observations are taken.The temperature inside
the oven used in the experiment varies at a slower rate at lower temperatures
and at a faster rate as the temperature reaches 150°C.The students thus fail
to take observations at equal intervals of temperature increase during rapid
heating or cooling of the system.This limitation is taken care of by maintaining
a constant acquisition rate for the entire range of temperature increase.The
observations can be taken for both increasing as well as decreasing
2.Online Plotting and Calculations:The calculations for resistivity and ln ρ
values are estimated online for every data point acquired in the VI.This acts
as an obvious advantage over the conventional system which involved a lot of
student time in experimentation and its analysis.The online estimation of
these values helps the student to analyse the readings taken during
experimentation.In case of any discrepancies in results,an appropriate
remedial action can be taken.
This set up reduces the error in the temperature measurements in comparison to
using a thermometer.Also,during rapid increase of temperature,the delay in the
reading of temperature and voltage by the user in the manual mode may result in
errors in the observations thus giving erroneous results.These problems in the
present set up have been removed by the use of a temperature sensor and the
USB 6008 DAQ card which can read the analog input data up to a maximum
speed of 10kS/s which is much higher in comparison to the rate of temperature

英语翻译Software Section:1.Constant Acquisition Rate:The developed system is an improvement over the conventional system since the acquisition rate of the data is uniform and is not dependent on the user.This increases the reliability of results


出于对英语的激情,熬夜翻译了 Start:


出于对英语的激情,熬夜翻译了 Start:
这个装置(硬盘)减少了在温度测量上对比使用温度计的估温错误(意思就是如果硬盘的估温系统比你装一个温度计要准确无误),并且,在温度迅速增加的期间,在读取温度 的延迟和电压平率(这个是CPU频率即中央处理器频率)因使用者在键盘模式操作不当产生错误结果予以延迟,这些问题(人工误用键盘的问题)在现代硬盘设备里面已经通过温度传感器的功能被消除,通过USB 6008 DAQ 接口也能消除人工误操作致使硬盘的损坏,里面硬盘损坏主要是温度升温、高温造成的,USB 6008 DAQ 接口能够读取模拟信号的输入数据至最大值以10KS/s的速率,这个10KS/s的速率对比温度升温的速率要更高。
翻译完了,my lord .全篇主要是围绕硬件软件的运行速率和操作不当对硬盘的影响来讲的

